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Stopping Daycare Biting: Prevention Tactics

Stopping Daycare Biting: Prevention Tactics

Stopping Daycare Biting: Prevention Tactics

Published on  March 21, 2024

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic causes and reasons why some children develop a biting habit. Whether due to frustration, exploration, teething or simply seeking some attention, some young children may develop a habit of biting when it’s not appropriate, sometimes including the biting of others. 

At Smart Kids Development Center, we offer a wide range of child care programs for families around Taylorsville, including daycare, preschool classes and more. We’ve seen every behavioral issue children deal with many times, including biting issues of various types. While part one of our series went over the causes of biting habits and the importance of observing these habits to gain a true understanding of what’s behind them, today’s part two will look at some basic tips on how parents, educators and other caregivers can help discourage biting in young children. 

Intimate Supervision

If you’ve identified that a child is dealing with a biting habit, one of the first areas to consider is whether they may be feeling neglected or overlooked in some way. Many children resort to biting as a means of seeking attention when they feel like they’re not getting enough of it.

As such, our first major recommendation for preventing and stopping biting habits is intimate supervision. This means watching over children very closely, especially when they’re in situations where biting may occur, such as during playtime or while interacting with others. We recommend keeping children within arm’s reach at all times and giving them increased attention and praise when they display positive behaviors.

Positive Reinforcement

On that note, one of the most effective tools for discouraging biting is actually positive reinforcement. This involves praising and acknowledging children when they display appropriate behaviors instead of focusing on negative actions. This can include simple things like saying “good job” or giving a high five, as well as more structured reward systems like sticker charts.

When children feel rewarded and praised for positive behaviors, they’re less likely to resort to negative ones like biting. This also helps build positive self-esteem and confidence in children, which can further prevent biting habits.

Daily Routines

For some children, stress based on changes in daily routines can also lead to biting habits. For example, going from being at home all day with a parent to suddenly being dropped off at daycare for several hours can be overwhelming and cause anxiety or frustration.

As such, we recommend creating consistent and predictable daily routines for children. This can help them feel secure and comfortable in their environment, which decreases their likelihood of acting out through biting or other negative behaviors.

Patience and Consistency

As you’re working with a child to overcome a biting habit, it’s crucial to remember that change takes time and patience. It’s important to be consistent with your approach and not give up if progress is slow.

Additionally, it’s important to communicate and collaborate with all caregivers involved in the child’s life. This includes parents, teachers, and other family members. When everyone is on the same page and consistently responds to biting in a similar way, children are more likely to understand and change their behavior.

Toy Availability

For toddlers in particular, frustration of having to share toys can be a trigger for biting behaviors. To prevent this, make sure there are enough toys available for everyone to play with and encourage sharing and turn-taking.

At Smart Kids Development Center, we understand that biting habits can be challenging to deal with. But by using these tips and strategies, you can help discourage and prevent biting in young children, creating a safer and more positive environment for all involved. Contact us for more on this or any of our child care programs and services for families around Taylorsville!

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