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Winter Illness Prevention: At-Home Tips

Winter Illness Prevention: At-Home Tips

Winter Illness Prevention: At-Home Tips

Published on  January 9, 2024

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at some common methods undertaken by child care facilities when it comes to limiting the spread of germs and illness during winter. The coldest parts of the year are also those that carry the highest illness risk, especially among young children, but there are also ways of preventing germ spread.

At Smart Kids Development Center, we take regular steps to keep all of our child care programs and facilities healthy and sanitized, and are happy to detail these approaches with any of our parents around Taylorsville or nearby areas. Today’s part two will shift gears a bit and look into some basic at-home practices you can utilize to help limit germ spread (many of which are similar or identical to practices we take in our facilities).


While we already went over this one from a child care facility perspective in part one, we can’t emphasize enough how important hand-washing is for preventing germ spread. And during winter months in particular, when illnesses are more common, it’s vital to do everything possible to keep germs off the hands and out of the mouths or noses.

Child Education

One great topic to cover with your child during this period, particularly if they’re in the early stages of school or similar activities, is how germs spread. Children should understand that there are a variety of ways for them to come into contact with germs and potentially get sick – not just through physical contact, but also by touching surfaces like doorknobs or toys that have been touched.

For instance, help explain to children how the average person touches their face around 16 times per hour – and how this can be a major way germs enter our bodies. Teach them to avoid rubbing their eyes, nose or mouth and even biting nails.


Another vital practice both at home and in child care facilities is sanitizing surfaces that may contain germs. Cleaning them regularly with soap and water or a disinfectant can be the difference-maker in preventing illnesses.

Sick Days

You should also have a plan for what to do if your child does happen to get sick this winter – including when they should not attend child care. In some cases, it may make more sense for them to stay home and rest, particularly if they’re contagious or their immune system is low. You can also reach out to a child care specialist to discuss these matters in more detail.

If your child attends daycare or any other child care program, this also involved understanding the program’s policies on sick days, which may differ from one facility to another. Some will be more flexible than others for various reasons.

As you can see, there are many ways to prevent germ spread during winter months, both at home and in child care facilities. For any questions about our practices or programs, from daycare to preschool and more, please don’t hesitate to contact Smart Kids Development Center today.

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