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On Infant Social Development and Daycare’s Benefits

On Infant Social Development and Daycare’s Benefits

On Infant Social Development and Daycare’s Benefits

Published on  October 8, 2024

Among several forms of development that are important for infants and toddlers as they grow, social development cannot be overlooked. Kids tend to cross several important milestones when it comes to social development during these early years, and a quality daycare program can play a key role in facilitating this.

At Smart Kids Development Center, we’re proud to offer the very best child care services around Taylorsville, Kearns and other western Salt Lake City areas, including infant daycare, preschool and various other services provided by licensed, experienced child care professionals. Which social milestones do infants typically cross during their first year of life, and how do daycare programs support this kind of development? Let’s have a look!

Common Infant Social Milestones

While the exact timing here can vary significantly and even stretch into the “toddler” phase that comes after a year, here are some of the common social milestones infants typically cross:

  • Cooing and smiling: For many infants, these simple behaviors can begin as early as weeks into their life. Smiling is often a sign of happiness, while cooing is used to express pleasure or interest.
  • Copying social cues: As infants grow and begin to interact with others more frequently, they’ll start copying social cues like facial expressions and other gestures. This can be an important precursor to communication skills later on.
  • Engaging in back-and-forth interactions: While this usually occurs a bit later (around the five-month mark or so), many infants will begin engaging in simple back-and-forth interactions with their caregivers or other children around them. This could involve hand gestures, vocalizations or even just eye contact. Peek-a-boo, for instance, is a popular game that facilitates this kind of interaction.
  • Showing interest in others: As they grow, infants will often develop an interest in the people around them. This could include smiling at familiar faces or showing curiosity towards new people they meet.
  • Showing interest in things: Alongside actual people, infants will also start showing interest in various objects and actions happening around them. This can be a key step towards developing curiosity and a desire to learn.
  • Possible stranger anxiety: For some infants, the second half of their first year may bring about a bit of stranger anxiety. This is when they begin to understand who is familiar and who isn’t, and may show signs of discomfort or distress around unfamiliar people.
  • Imitating others: As infants continue to grow and develop, they’ll start imitating others more frequently. This can include copying facial expressions, actions or words they hear from others.

The Role of Daycare in Supporting Social Development

So how do daycare programs support these various social milestones? Here are just a few ways:

  • Encouraging interaction: One of the key benefits offered by quality daycare programs is regular opportunities for social interaction with both peers and adults. This gives infants a chance to practice skills like turn-taking and communication.
  • Providing a safe, nurturing environment: Daycare programs are designed to be safe and nurturing environments for young children. This can help infants feel comfortable enough to engage in social interactions and build relationships with others.
  • Facilitating structured play: Many daycare programs offer structured playtime activities that encourage different forms of social interaction. This could include games, art projects or other group activities that foster teamwork and cooperation.
  • Offering guidance from experienced caregivers: At quality daycare centers like Smart Kids Development Center, our caregivers are trained and experienced in helping infants develop various social skills. They can provide guidance and support as needed, helping each child reach their full potential.

As you can see, daycare programs can be invaluable in promoting social development for infants during their first year of life and beyond. Want to learn more about what our childcare services have to offer? Contact us today at Smart Kids Development Center, where we’ll tell you more about our services for families around Taylorsville, Kearns and SLC.

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